Chaps And Kate Hit The Trailer Park To Meet A Man Who's Fought Everyone In Fayetteville, NC

What James “Trailer Park” Pugh lacks in sleeves, he more than makes up for in heart.

This video’s only a little over two minutes long, but Chaps & I walked his neighborhood with him much longer & James won me over 110%. It’s easy to judge a book by its cover, and this particular cover has an old washing machine on the front lawn. But it’s also got James with his kind heart, great sense of humor, and loyal fighting spirit.

Win or lose he said he wants to show his (6!!!) kids that he’s not afraid to put himself out there & try his best. He let us know his whole family will be there rocking “Trailer Park” shirts & rooting him on. Hope he wins, and the odds are good considering his list of previous fights:

– Teachers
– Classmates
– Street thugs
– Drug dealers
– Police
– Military

And now, up next:

Rough ‘N Rowdy

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